The Basics of 10DLC and A2P

In the ever-changing landscape of communications, cutting through the clutter to reach people is not an easy task. Understanding the options and terms of today’s communication can be overwhelming.

As traditional methods like email and phone calls evolve, SMS messaging has emerged as a powerful tool for direct and real-time engagement. Two key concepts at the forefront of this SMS revolution are 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) and A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging. Understanding these terms and their significance can unlock a world of possibilities for businesses seeking to enhance customer communication, marketing strategies, and customer support.

Let’s take a look at the ABCs of 10DLC and A2P to get a better understanding of how to best use these powerful tools.

What is 10DLC?

10DLC, or 10-digit long code, is a messaging service that allows businesses to send marketing messages and business text messages to their customers. Unlike the traditional short codes (5-6 digit numbers), 10DLC numbers are regular 10-digit phone numbers easily identified for sending business messages to users. With 10DLC, businesses can register their numbers, undergo a secondary vetting process, and establish a trust score with mobile carriers. Trusted messages have a higher delivery quality. 10DLC also provides features such as throughput limits, maximum message throughput, and authentication code messages, making it suitable for high-volume A2P messaging. With an overview of the registration process, costs, and limited carrier capacity, 10DLC offers a reliable option for businesses to engage with their customers through SMS messaging.

What is A2P Messaging?

A2P messaging, also known as Application-to-Person messaging, is a communication method where businesses and organizations use automated systems to send text messages to their customers. This form of messaging is different from P2P messaging, which stands for Person-to-Person messaging.

In A2P messaging, businesses create and send text messages to a large number of recipients simultaneously. These messages can include marketing promotions, appointment reminders, verification codes, transaction notifications, and other types of information that businesses need to communicate with their customer base.

There are several advantages to utilizing A2P messaging. One key advantage is the higher message throughput, allowing businesses to send a large volume of messages in a short amount of time. This enables businesses to reach a vast audience efficiently. Additionally, A2P messaging platforms often provide features like text blasts. Features like these allow businesses to send messages to a designated group of customers simultaneously.

It is important to note that A2P messaging is carrier-approved. That means it follows designated guidelines and regulations set by mobile carriers. On the other hand, P2P messaging is typically meant for low-volume personal use rather than business purposes.

10DLC Basics

10DLC stands for 10-digit long code, referring to a type of phone number used for business text messaging and A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging services. Unlike short codes, which are typically used for high-volume A2P messaging, 10DLC numbers are regular 10-digit phone numbers that are registered with mobile carriers. Sending messages from these numbers ensures delivered reliably with a higher trust score.

The registration process involves providing information about the business, such as the type of messages that will be sent and the business profile. It also includes secondary vetting and manual review by the carriers to verify the legitimacy of the business. Once registered, businesses can use 10DLC numbers to send marketing messages, authentication code messages, and other types of messages to users. However, there are still throughput limits and message carrier fees to consider, as well as restrictions on certain types of messaging and country of registration. Overall, 10DLC provides a more reliable and scalable solution for businesses to engage with their customers through text messaging.

What Makes 10DLC Different from Other Phone Numbers?

10DLC, or 10-Digit Long Code, stands out from other phone numbers due to its unique characteristics and compliance requirements. Unlike toll-free numbers or short codes, 10DLC offers a more versatile and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to send high-volume A2P (Application-to-Person) messages.

One of the key advantages of using 10DLC is its registration process. While other phone numbers may require a complex and time-consuming setup, registering for a 10DLC is relatively straightforward. However, it’s important to note that 10DLC also has compliance requirements imposed on businesses to ensure the reliability and quality of messaging services.

The registration process involves verifying the business type, providing a physical address, and undergoing secondary vetting. This process helps establish trust and keeps unregistered traffic at bay. Additionally, 10DLC provides businesses with a trust score that reflects their adherence to carrier requirements and message delivery quality.

By utilizing 10DLC, businesses can enjoy the benefits of high-volume A2P messaging while avoiding carrier limitations and throughput limits. Furthermore, 10DLC allows businesses to segment their messaging campaigns based on the type of message, delivery quality, and category of messaging. This enables businesses to tailor their marketing messages to specific user groups, ensuring better engagement and higher conversion rates.

In summary, 10DLC sets itself apart from other phone numbers with its simplified registration process, compliance requirements, and versatile messaging services. By utilizing 10DLC, businesses can enhance their communication strategies and reach their target audience more effectively.

Benefits of Using 10DLC

Businesses can enjoy several benefits by using 10DLC (10-digit long code) for their messaging needs.

One major advantage is the high messaging throughput offered by 10DLC. With this service, businesses can send a large volume of messages to mobile users, allowing them to efficiently reach their target audience and deliver important information or promotional content.

Another benefit is enhanced deliverability. 10DLC leverages the existing mobile carrier networks, ensuring a higher chance of messages being successfully delivered to recipients. This results in fewer undelivered messages and a more reliable communication channel for businesses.

Cost savings are also a notable advantage of using 10DLC instead of traditional short codes. 10DLC typically comes at a lower cost per message, making it a more cost-effective option for businesses, particularly those with high message volumes.

Additionally, 10DLC offers an opportunity for personalized and conversational customer engagement. Businesses can leverage this service to send customized messages and engage in two-way conversations with their customers. This fosters a more meaningful and interactive relationship with consumers, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, the benefits of using 10DLC for businesses include high messaging throughput, enhanced deliverability, cost savings compared to short codes, and the opportunity for personalized and conversational customer engagement.

How Do You Get a 10DLC Number?

To get a 10DLC number, you must first understand the registration process. The Campaign Registry is an essential part of this process, ensuring that brands and businesses comply with carrier guidelines and messaging regulations.

The first step in obtaining a 10DLC number is to register with The Campaign Registry, providing essential information about your business and the type of messaging you intend to send. This includes details such as your business profile, physical address, and country of registration. This process can be time-consuming and complicated unless you work with a partner like Action Texts. They are skilled at the process of registering campaigns and brands properly. Doing this saves time and money in the long run.

After completing the initial registration, you will need to secure a Trust Score. This score assesses your business’s adherence to carrier guidelines and determines your eligibility for a 10DLC number. Achieving a high Trust Score is crucial for improved message deliverability and overall campaign success.

Additional documentation and a secondary vetting process will often be required. This can include submitting identification, proof of business ownership, and demonstrating previous messaging experience.

By partnering with a trusted messaging provider like Action Texts, compliance with The Campaign Registry becomes a seamless process. Helping navigate the complex registration requirements, Action Texts ensures all necessary documentation is submitted accurately and on time. Their expertise and technology simplify the process, reducing the burden on businesses and enhancing overall messaging campaign performance.

Obtaining a 10DLC number involves several steps and requirements. By following the registration process and using a trusted partner like Action Texts, businesses can enjoy the benefits of improved deliverability and compliance with carrier guidelines.

Requirements to Applying for and Use a 10DLC Number

Applying for a 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) number has certain requirements. These requirements are in place to ensure compliance with industry regulations and to maintain trust between businesses and mobile carriers.

To apply for a 10DLC number, businesses need to comply with the requirements set by The Campaign Registry (TCR) and major mobile carriers. These requirements are based on TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) best practices and help protect consumers from unsolicited and spam messages.

In addition to providing accurate business information, businesses also need to pay a one-time registration fee and a monthly campaign fee. These fees contribute to the operational costs associated with managing and maintaining the 10DLC ecosystem.

By adhering to these requirements, businesses can access the benefits of using 10DLC numbers for their messaging services. It’s important to note that there may be specific requirements and limitations on message volume and throughput determined by the mobile carriers.

A2P Messaging Overview

A2P messaging, or Application-to-Person messaging, is a communication method that allows businesses to send automated messages to individuals. This type of messaging has gained significant popularity due to its effectiveness in reaching customers and its ability to enhance customer engagement. A2P messaging enables businesses to send alerts, notifications, reminders, and marketing messages to users through mobile carriers and carrier networks.

Unlike P2P messaging (Person-to-Person messaging), which requires manual sending and receiving, A2P messaging automates the process, allowing businesses to reach a large number of recipients simultaneously. This makes it an ideal choice for high-volume messaging campaigns. With A2P messaging, businesses can send messages using various channels, including toll-free numbers and 10-digit long code phone numbers, ensuring flexibility based on their specific needs and target audience. Additionally, A2P messaging provides improved delivery quality and reduced message carrier fees compared to other messaging services.

One crucial aspect of A2P messaging is that it requires carrier approval to ensure message delivery and protect users from unsolicited or spam messages. Carrier-approved A2P texting allows businesses to send text blasts to a large audience while maintaining the trust and reliability of the communication channel.

In contrast, P2P messaging is best suited for low-volume personal use. It has limitations in terms of throughput limits, message carrier fees, and unregistered traffic. Furthermore, P2P messaging lacks the essential elements required for efficient and effective business messaging, such as maximum message throughput and proper categorization of messages.

Types of Messages Sent Through A2P Messaging

A2P messaging, or application-to-person messaging, allows businesses to communicate with their customers through text messages. This versatile messaging service enables companies to send various types of messages, including feedback messages and appointment confirmations.

Feedback messages are important for businesses to gather customer insights and improve their products or services. Through A2P messaging, businesses can easily send surveys or request feedback from customers via text message. These messages can be tailored to specific customers or sent out in bulk to gather a larger sample of feedback.

Appointment confirmations are another common type of message sent through A2P messaging. Businesses can use this service to automatically remind customers of their upcoming appointments, reducing the likelihood of no-shows and improving overall customer experience. From doctor’s appointments or salon reservations, businesses can rely on A2P messaging to effectively communicate with their customers.

Aside from feedback messages and appointment confirmations, A2P messaging is highly versatile and can handle various other types of communication. Businesses can send promotional messages, service updates, order notifications, or even authentication codes through this messaging service. A2P messaging provides a reliable and efficient way for business entities to engage with their customers, fostering better communication and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Maximum Message Throughput & Delivery Quality

Maximum message throughput and delivery quality are crucial factors in A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging, especially in the context of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) messaging.

A2P messaging offers a higher maximum message throughput compared to traditional long code messaging. With A2P 10DLC, businesses can send a higher volume of messages per second (MPS) compared to traditional long codes. This allows for more efficient and effective communication with customers and clients.

Delivery quality is also a key aspect of A2P messaging. A2P messaging ensures reliable delivery of messages to mobile users, minimizing delays and message failures. This ensures that marketing messages, authentication codes, and other types of important communications reach users promptly, enhancing the user experience.

Several factors can influence message-sending throughput in A2P messaging. Trust scores play a major role in determining the throughput allocated to each registered Campaign Use Case. Trust scores are assigned to businesses based on their reputation and compliance with messaging regulations. Higher trust scores can lead to higher throughput allocations.

Other factors include the type of messages sent, carrier fees, networks, and the capacity of mobile carriers to handle messages. Consider all these factors to ensure optimum message delivery and throughput.

In conclusion, A2P messaging, particularly in the context of 10DLC, offers a higher maximum message throughput and ensures delivery quality. Factors such as trust scores, message type, and carrier capacity play a significant role in optimizing message-sending throughput.

Challenges & Limitations Associated With High-Volume A2P Messaging

High-volume A2P messaging presents several challenges and limitations that can significantly impact text message delivery rates and overall campaign performance. These challenges primarily stem from the restrictions imposed by mobile carriers to prevent abuse and maintain network integrity.

One major challenge is throughput limits, as carriers often set maximum message throughput to ensure fair usage of network resources. This means that businesses sending high volumes of A2P messages may experience delays or have their messages blocked if they exceed these limits. Throughput limits depend on factors such as the type of messages sent and the category of messaging (e.g., promotional, transactional).

Another limitation is the potential for unregistered traffic. Mobile carriers strive to combat fraudulent activity and spam by requiring businesses to register their messaging campaigns. However, high-volume A2P messaging may generate unregistered traffic, leading to message delivery issues and potential penalties.

Delivery quality is also impacted by the limited carrier capacity to handle high volumes of A2P messages. Due to the sheer volume, carriers may prioritize message delivery based on factors such as trust score, message carrier fees, and the reputation of the messaging service provider.

Businesses utilizing A2P 10DLC may encounter issues such as limited messaging throughput, higher message fees, and the need for secondary vetting. Additionally, businesses must provide a valid business profile, and physical address, and comply with country-specific registration requirements. Any discrepancies or inaccuracies in the registration process can further hinder message delivery.

To ensure successful high-volume A2P messaging, businesses must carefully consider these challenges and limitations. They must establish strong relationships with mobile carriers, and maintain compliance.

Using a Trusted A2P Partner

When it comes to implementing A2P (Application-to-Person) 10DLC (10-digit long code), working with a trusted A2P partner like ActionTexts can provide numerous benefits and ensure the success of your business messaging campaigns.

Choosing a reputable A2P partner improves message deliverability. With their established mobile carrier relationships and extensive knowledge, they help ensure your messages reach their intended recipients quickly. This is particularly important for businesses that rely heavily on text messaging for marketing and communication purposes.

Maintaining trust is another crucial aspect of successful A2P messaging. A trusted A2P partner will have strict processes in place to monitor and mitigate unregistered traffic, which can negatively impact deliverability rates. By adhering to industry best practices and carrier regulations, they can help your business maintain a high trust score, which is essential for building and retaining a loyal customer base.

Choosing the right A2P partner requires careful consideration of a few key criteria. Always look for a partner with industry experience and a proven track record well-versed in navigating the complexities of A2P messaging. Additionally, their relationships with mobile carriers and their reputation within the industry are crucial factors to consider. A reputable A2P partner will have a thorough understanding of carrier regulations and can help ensure compliance, minimizing the risk of message carrier fees or throughput limits.


In summary, partnering with a trusted A2P provider like ActionTexts can significantly improve message deliverability, maintain trust, and ensure compliance with carrier regulations. Their industry experience, carrier relationships, and reputation are key criteria to consider when selecting an A2P partner for your business. To learn more, contact Action Texts today by calling (855) 844-4400.