Privacy Policy Best Practice for A2P 10DLC Brand

Important Changes to A2P 10DLC Messaging

In recent years, significant changes have been introduced to A2P (Application-to-Person) 10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) messaging, particularly in the United States. These changes are primarily driven by the new requirements and regulations implemented by The Campaign Registry (TCR). Understanding these changes is crucial for brands and businesses engaging in A2P 10DLC messaging. ActionTexts is here to help!

Campaign Registration

One important change is in the process of brand and campaign registrations. Previously, brands could easily initiate messaging campaigns without much oversight. However, with the new regulations, brands are now required to provide more detailed information about their business entity, type, and business profiles during the registration process. Additionally, brands need to submit an attestation form confirming compliance with consumer opt-in consent practices.

Trust Score

Another significant change is the introduction of a trust score system. Brands engaging in A2P 10DLC messaging now have trust scores, determined by various factors. These factors include campaign type, messaging service provider, and campaign history. Brands with a higher trust score receive favorable treatment and enjoy better message deliverability rates.

On the other hand, a low trust score can have consequences. Brands with low trust scores are more likely to face rejections or restrictions on their messaging campaigns. This may adversely impact their reach and ability to effectively communicate with customers.

Registration is a Necessity

Importantly, unregistered 10DLC messages are now subject to fees. Brands that continue to send unregistered traffic may face higher costs and reduced messaging capabilities. This change encourages businesses to comply with the new regulations and ensures a more reliable and trusted A2P 10DLC messaging ecosystem.

As brands navigate these changes, they need to stay informed about the evolving requirements and adapt their messaging practices accordingly. By doing so, brands can maintain a positive reputation, ensure compliance with regulations, and enhance their customer communication through A2P 10DLC messaging.

SMS Best Practices

When it comes to SMS messaging, following best practices is crucial for successful campaigns. One of the most important practices is obtaining permission from customers before sending any messages. Building a permission-based phone number list ensures that your messages are reaching individuals who are interested in receiving them, leading to higher engagement and better results.

Another best practice is complying with regulations and wireless carriers’ messaging policies. By following these guidelines, you not only avoid potential legal issues but also improve your message deliverability. Non-compliance can result in messages being blocked or marked as spam, reducing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

To maximize the impact of your SMS messages, keeping them simple and concise is highly recommended. SMS is a limited platform, both in terms of character count and attention span. Crafting clear and to-the-point messages ensures that your recipients quickly understand the purpose of your communication and are more likely to take action.

Incorporating these best practices, including obtaining permission, adhering to regulations, and keeping messages simple and concise, will help you build a successful SMS campaign that reaches your target audience effectively and efficiently.

Privacy Policy Best Practices

When it comes to A2P 10DLC messaging, it is essential to follow best practices for privacy policy to ensure compliance and build trust with customers. First, it is crucial to be explicit about the types of data collected and how it will be used. This includes clearly stating the purpose of data collection, such as for marketing or communication purposes.


Additionally, providing opt-out options for customers is vital. This allows individuals to control their preferences and decide whether they want to receive further messages. Explicitly disclosing the opt-out process and making it easily accessible demonstrates a commitment to customer privacy and builds trust.

Sinch Updates Privacy Policy

One of the largest communications enablers in the US, Sinch, recently implemented important updates to its A2P 10DLC messaging services, primarily focusing on Privacy Policy requirements. These changes reflect the company’s commitment to prioritizing customer privacy and complying with legal regulations. While these requirements may not apply to all enterprise communication providers, they are good guidelines to observe. Following is a summary of the changes in effect as of September 1, 2023:

Messaging Resources Update

A new link to the Sinch Service Provider Escalation List has been added for user reference in Understanding Sinch Voice Messaging and related resources.

Sinch Voice 1 Privacy Policy Update

Sinch is now mandating Privacy Policies for A2P 10DLC campaigns in certain situations beyond political messaging. The CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practices provide guidance on what a compliant Privacy Policy should entail. Essentially, the policy must state that Personally Identifiable Information (PII) won’t be shared or sold to third parties for marketing purposes. The level of complexity in Privacy Policies may vary depending on the industry and applicable privacy laws.

Policy Update

Compliant Privacy Policies are required for the following campaign categories:

  • All Political Campaigns.
  • All Marketing Campaigns.
  • Campaigns related to real estate or investment firms that engage in various A2P 10DLC use cases and have faced issues with spam traffic.
  • Campaigns collecting numbers on their websites, particularly in the areas of mortgages, loans, financing, and age-gated registrations.


Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees and most non-profits may be exempt from the Privacy Policy requirement, depending on risk assessment by Sinch Voice’s vetting team. Sole proprietors are not required to have a Privacy Policy.

Consent Requirements

Regardless of the Privacy Policy, all A2P 10DLC messaging campaigns must still ensure appropriate consent and call-to-action mechanisms.

Additionally, the company has taken proactive measures to avoid affiliate marketing practices that may compromise customer privacy rights. Sinch Voice recognizes the importance of maintaining customer trust and loyalty by prioritizing privacy over potential financial incentives. As part of these updates, Sinch Voice recommends consulting legal resources and privacy policy generators to ensure that all necessary elements are included in the privacy policy. These changes reflect Sinch Voice’s dedication to providing a secure and transparent A2P 10DLC messaging service.9

Avoid Affiliate Marketing

It is also recommended to avoid affiliate marketing practices in privacy policies. Affiliate marketing involves sharing customer data with third parties for promotional purposes. However, without proper consent, this can infringe on privacy rights. Prioritizing customer privacy over potential financial incentives helps maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Ask a Lawyer

When creating a privacy policy for A2P 10DLC messaging, it is advisable to consult legal resources or privacy policy generators. These tools can guide legal requirements and ensure that all necessary elements are included in the policy.

Complying with best practices for privacy policy, including explicit data disclosure, providing opt-out options, and avoiding affiliate marketing practices, is essential for maintaining customer trust and complying with privacy regulations in A2P 10DLC messaging campaigns. By prioritizing customer privacy, brands can build strong customer relationships and enhance their reputation.

Common SMS Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to SMS messaging, there are several common mistakes that brands should avoid to ensure a successful and privacy-compliant campaign.

Sending unsolicited messages

It is crucial to obtain proper consent from recipients before sending any SMS messages. Unsolicited messages can damage the brand’s reputation, violate privacy regulations, and lead to opt-out requests.

Tip: Always obtain opt-in consent through clear and conspicuous language or opt-in methods such as online forms or SMS keyword responses.

DTR (Define the Relationship) from the start

Failing to identify the sender or purpose of the message can confuse recipients and lead to mistrust. Clearly state the business name and provide relevant information upfront to establish trust.

Tip: Use a recognizable business name or brand and provide a brief but concise description of the purpose of the campaign in the initial message.

Using the same messages for SMS and email

SMS messages have character limitations, whereas emails do not. Avoid sending the same lengthy content through SMS, as it may overwhelm recipients and lead to disengagement.

Tip: Tailor the message content specifically for SMS, keeping it brief, concise, and relevant to grab recipients’ attention.

Poor timing

Sending SMS messages at inappropriate hours can disrupt recipients’ personal or business activities and may lead to negative sentiment towards the brand.

Tip: Respect recipients’ time zones and send SMS messages during appropriate hours, taking into account local regulations and common courtesy.

Sending long messages

Long, text-heavy messages may discourage recipients from reading the entire message and detract from the campaign’s effectiveness.

Tip: Keep SMS messages short and focused, using concise language and including a clear call to action.

By avoiding these common SMS mistakes, brands can enhance their campaign’s success, maintain recipients’ trust, and ensure compliance with privacy policies and regulations.

A2P 10DLC Best Practices

A2P 10DLC SMS Best Practices ensure that SMS messages are delivered smoothly without being flagged or blocked. Implementing these practices is crucial for brands to maintain their reputation and comply with privacy regulations. Here are key recommendations to consider:

Clear OPT-OUT instructions

Including clear instructions for recipients to opt out of receiving future messages is essential. This allows recipients to easily unsubscribe and ensures compliance with regulations.

Content best practice rules

To maintain the effectiveness of SMS campaigns, it is important to keep messages brief, focused, and engaging. Use concise language, include a clear call to action, and tailor messages specifically for SMS to grab recipients’ attention.

Consumer consent

Obtain proper consent from recipients before sending any SMS messages. Opt-in consent should be obtained through clear and conspicuous language or opt-in methods such as online forms or SMS keyword responses.

Consumer opt-in best practice rules

Identify the sender and purpose of the message from the start. Use a recognizable business name or brand and provide relevant information upfront to establish trust. This helps to avoid confusion and builds trust with recipients.

Consumer opt-out best practice rules

Respect recipients’ choices and include easy-to-follow instructions for opting out of future messages. This allows recipients to exercise control over their communication preferences and ensures compliance with regulations.

By following these A2P 10DLC SMS Best Practices, brands can ensure their messaging campaigns are effective, compliant, and respectful of recipients’ preferences.


To sum up, adhering to A2P 10DLC compliance in text messaging is crucial for brands to maintain trust and establish a positive reputation in the market. By sending messages through preferred channels, businesses can effectively engage customers and ensure higher delivery rates. It is essential to follow best practices to secure consumer consent, deliver relevant messages, and respect their preferences. Safeguarding data and ensuring privacy is paramount in building and maintaining customer trust.

At Actiontexts, we understand the significance of A2P 10DLC compliance and can provide professional guidance in setting up your campaigns. Our team is experienced in navigating the complexities of compliance and can help you take the necessary measures to protect your brand and customers. Contact us today to ensure your A2P 10DLC campaigns are implemented following the highest standards of best practice.